The Little House Debuts on Elevenses with Lisa
Hello everyone, I've been busy with making minis and doing my "paid" job, as well as starting school (Genealogical Principles at Boston University). However, each week I make time on Thursdays at noon to virtually visit my genealogy mentor, Lisa Louise Cooke when she broadcasts her live show on YouTube "Elevenses with Lisa." Today's episode was a very very special treat: she featured my little house (the one on my blog home page), and made the most moving video of it. From the comments that were rolling during it, I wasn't the only one with tears in my eyes during the presentation. (Elevenses with Lisa, episode 25 on YouTube or at As well, lots of comments asked me about certain aspects of the house, and, since Lisa is putting this blog address in her show notes, in case any of my fellow Genealogy Gems are reading, this is for you. To answer one question I remember: I am my Grandfather Cassidy...